The slave sells them or otherwise damages them


If people have a deficient measure of corn and wine arid do not follow the ancient tradition of their fathers but out of covetousness have unjust measures contrary to those that are appointed, let them be beaten for their impiety.

If a man delivers cattle to a slave for pasture without his master’s knowledge and the slave sells them or otherwise damages them, let the slave and his master go harmless. Where a man destroys another’s beast on any pretense, when he is recognized, let him indemnify its owner.

If a man harvests his lot. before his neighbor’s lots have been harvested and he brings in his beasts and does harm to his neighbors, let him receive thirty lashes and make good the damage to the party injured.

If a man gathers in the fruits of his vineyard arid while the fruits of some lots are still ungathered brings in his beasts, let him receive thirty lashes and make good the damage to the party injured.

If a man lawlessly, when he has a suit with another, cuts his vines or any other tree, let his hand be cut off.

After the completion of the building

If a man who is dwelling in a district ascertains that a piece of common ground is suitable for the erection of a mill and appropriates it and then, after the completion of the building, if the commonalty of the district complain of the owner of the building as having appropriated common ground, let them give him all the expenditure that’s due to him for the completion of the building and let them share it in common with its builder.

If after the land of the district has been divided, a man finds in his own lot a place which is suitable for the erection of a mill and sets about it, the farmers of the other lots are not entitled to say anything about the mill.

If the water which comes to the mill leaves dry cultivated plots or vineyards, let him make the damage good; if not, let the mill be idle.

If the owners of the cultivated plots are not willing that the water go through their plots, let them be entitled to prevent it.

Read More about Justinian and Theodora


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